Device Interaction

PyXA offers a _Devices_ addition that provides a simple interface to your device’s hardware such as its camera, microphone, and screen.

Device Classes

The following device classes are available:

An overview of each class is provided below.


The XACamera class provides two methods: one to capture photos (capture()) and another to record videos (record()). Both methods return an instance of the corresponding PyXA class—either XAImage or XAVideo—that can be used alongside other areas of PyXA.

For example, to capture a photo and save it to the desktop, you could use the following code:

import PyXA
import os

cam = PyXA.XACamera()
img = cam.capture()
homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")"{homedir}/Desktop/test.png")

You can combine this with other PyXA features to create powerful automations. For example, you could use the XASpeech class to speak any text detected in the image:

import PyXA

cam = PyXA.XACamera()
img = cam.capture()
img_text = img.extract_text()



The XAMicrophone class provides a single method, record(), that records audio from the device’s microphone and returns an instance of the XAAudio class.

For example, to record 5 seconds of audio and play it back, you could use the following code:

import PyXA
import os

mic = PyXA.XAMicrophone()
homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
recording = mic.record(f"{homedir}/Downloads/test.wav", 5)


PyXA’s XAScreen class provides methods for capturing screenshots and screen recordings. Each method returns either a XAImage or XAVideo object. The available methods are: