Getting User Input

PyXA provides several ways to get user input via dialogs, menus, and other familiar means. You can still use Python’s input() method to get keyboard input, and you can use Python’s built-in support for commandline arguments to get input in that way as well. Additional input methods (such as detecting keystrokes and/or mouseclicks in other applications) will be added in a future version of PyXA, but other packages exist that already offer such functionality.


import PyXA
response = PyXA.XAAlert(
    title = "Alert!",
    message = "",
    style = PyXA.XAAlertStyle.INFORMATIONAL,
    buttons = ["Ok", "Cancel"]
# 1000


import PyXA
response = PyXA.XADialog(
    text = "This is a dialog",
    title = "Notice",
    buttons = ["Ok", "Cool", "Thanks"],
    icon = "caution",
# Cool
import PyXA
response = PyXA.XADialog(
    text = "What is your name?",
    title = "What is your name?",
    buttons = ["Continue"],
    default_button = "Continue",
    icon = "note",
    default_answer = ""
print("Your name is", response[1])
# Your name is Steven
import PyXA
response = PyXA.XADialog(
    text = "Enter the secret",
    title = "Super Secret",
    buttons = ["Continue"],
    default_button = "Continue",
    icon = "note",
    default_answer = "",
    hidden_answer = True
print("The secret message was", response[1])
# The secret message was 42

File and Folder Pickers

import PyXA
response = PyXA.XAFilePicker(
    prompt = "Choose File",
    types = ["png"],
    default_location = "/",
    show_invisibles = False,
    multiple_selections_allowed = False,
    show_package_contents = False
# <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAPath'>file:///Users/ExampleUser/Desktop/Example.png>
import PyXA
response = PyXA.XAFolderPicker(
    prompt = "Choose Folder",
    default_location = "/",
    show_invisibles = False,
    multiple_selections_allowed = True,
    show_package_contents = False
# [<<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAPath'>file:///Applications/>, <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAPath'>file:///Library/>]

File Name Dialogs

import PyXA
response = PyXA.XAFileNameDialog(
    prompt = "Choose Folder",
    default_name = "New File",
    default_location = "/Users/Shared",
# <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAPath'>file:///Users/Shared/New%20File>

Color Pickers

import PyXA
response = PyXA.XAColorPicker(
    style = PyXA.XAColorPickerStyle.CRAYONS
# <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAColor'>r=1.0, g=0.8323456645, b=0.4732058644, a=1.0>

Command Detectors

import PyXA

def open_google():

detector = PyXA.XACommandDetector()
detector.on_detect("go to Google", open_google)
detector.on_detect("go to Bing", lambda : PyXA.XAURL("").open())

If you want to detect an exact command and display the standard macOS Voice Control interface, use a PyXA.XABase.XACommandDetector object. If you want to detect whether a user’s spoken input passes a certain rule, or if you want the command detection to occur without displaying an graphical interface, use PyXA.XABase.XASpeechRecognizer.

Speech Recognizers

import PyXA
listener = PyXA.XASpeechRecognizer()
result = listener.listen()
if result == "Hi":
import PyXA
import re

listener = PyXA.XASpeechRecognizer({
    lambda s: s.lower() == "open google": lambda _: PyXA.XAURL("").open(),
regex = re.compile(r'^(Open|Go to|Site|Jump to|Show me) (b|B)ing')
listener.on_detect(lambda s: regex.match(s) != None, lambda _: PyXA.XAURL("").open())
result = listener.listen()
import PyXA

def detect_website_query(query: str) -> bool:
    """Detects queries of the form "Go to [website name]".

    :param query: The query to assess
    :type query: str
    :return: True if the query matches the form "Go to [website name]" for any of the supported websites
    :rtype: bool
    site_names = ["google", "bing", "duckduckgo", "yahoo"]
    return query.startswith("Go to ") and any([query.lower().endswith(x) for x in site_names])

def go_to_website(query: str) -> PyXA.XAURL:
    """Opens a website specified in a query of the form "Go to [website name]".

    :param query: The query to respond to
    :type query: str
    :return: The url as a PyXA XAURL object
    :rtype: PyXA.XAURL
    site = query[6:]
    url = PyXA.XAURL("https://" + site + ".com")
    return url

listener = PyXA.XASpeechRecognizer({
    detect_website_query: go_to_website,

result = listener.listen()
# <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAURL'>>