Device Interaction ================== PyXA offers a _Devices_ addition that provides a simple interface to your device's hardware such as its camera, microphone, and screen. Device Classes -------------- The following device classes are available: - :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XACamera` - for capturing photos and videos - :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAMicrophone` - for recording audio - :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen` - for capturing screenshots and screen recordings An overview of each class is provided below. Camera --------------------------- The :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XACamera` class provides two methods: one to capture photos (:func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XACamera.capture`) and another to record videos (:func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XACamera.record`). Both methods return an instance of the corresponding PyXA class—either :class:`~PyXA.XABase.XAImage` or :class:`~PyXA.XABase.XAVideo`—that can be used alongside other areas of PyXA. For example, to capture a photo and save it to the desktop, you could use the following code: .. code-block:: python import PyXA import os cam = PyXA.XACamera() img = cam.capture() homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")"{homedir}/Desktop/test.png") You can combine this with other PyXA features to create powerful automations. For example, you could use the :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Speech.XASpeech` class to speak any text detected in the image: .. code-block:: python import PyXA cam = PyXA.XACamera() img = cam.capture() img_text = img.extract_text() PyXA.XASpeech(img_text).speak() Microphone ---------- The :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAMicrophone` class provides a single method, :func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAMicrophone.record`, that records audio from the device's microphone and returns an instance of the :class:`~PyXA.XABase.XAAudio` class. For example, to record 5 seconds of audio and play it back, you could use the following code: .. code-block:: python import PyXA import os mic = PyXA.XAMicrophone() homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") recording = mic.record(f"{homedir}/Downloads/test.wav", 5) Screen ------ PyXA's :class:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen` class provides methods for capturing screenshots and screen recordings. Each method returns either a :class:`~PyXA.XABase.XAImage` or :class:`~PyXA.XABase.XAVideo` object. The available methods are: - :func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen.capture` - captures a screenshot - :func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen.capture_rect` - captures a screenshot of a specific area of the screen - :func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen.capture_window` - captures a screenshot of a specific window - :func:`~PyXA.Additions.Devices.XAScreen.record` - records a screen recording