Terminal Module Overview

The Terminal module enables control over Terminal.app from within Python, including the ability to run Terminal script and receive the execution return value.

Terminal Examples

Example 1 - Using Terminal methods and attributes

This example showcases many of the methods and attributes available for use in the Terminal module.

import PyXA
app = PyXA.Application("Terminal")

# Get information about the current tab
tab = app.current_tab
print(tab.number_of_rows, tab.number_of_columns)
# Terminal
# (
#     login,
#     "-zsh",
#     python
# )
# 24 80

# Set tab properties
tab.custom_title = "Testing 1 2 3"
tab.number_of_rows = 50
tab.title_displays_custom_title = True

# Run scripts and utilize return values
value = app.do_script("ls", return_result=True)
print("Number of items:", len(value["stdout"].split("\n")) - 1)

value = app.do_script("ping www.google.com -c 1", return_result=True)
if "1 packets received" in value["stdout"]:

# Modify settings
settings = tab.current_settings
settings.background_color = PyXA.XAColor(255, 0, 0)
settings.font_size = 10

Terminal Resources

For all classes, methods, and inherited members of the Terminal module, see the Terminal Module Reference.