Fantastical Module Overview
The Fantastical module provides access to Fantastical’s features from within PyXA, making use of both the application’s scripting dictionary as well as its URL scheme.
Fantastical Examples
Example 1 - Interacting with Currently Selected Calendar Items
import PyXA
app = PyXA.Application("Fantastical")
items = app.selected_calendar_items()
urls = [item.show_url.url for item in items]
# ['x-fantastical://show?item=7d627e52-ae3d-39eb-b86b-57b037f92cab&calendarIdentifier=A5E06B53-667F-42EE-A6FD-99609F6711E3&date=2022-02-21%2000:00', 'x-fantastical://show?item=e4bcc8c4-cd34-3c1d-b273-def4ecd47eae&calendarIdentifier=A5E06B53-667F-42EE-A6FD-99609F6711E3&date=2022-02-14%2000:00', ...]
Example 2 - Using Natural Language to Create Events
import PyXA
app = PyXA.Application("Fantastical")
app.parse_sentence("Meeting from 2pm to 3 today")
app.parse_sentence("Joe's birthday August 26th all day")
app.parse_sentence("Computer Science Homework due on Tuesday")
app.parse_sentence("Vacation from August 26 to September 2")
app.parse_sentence("Meeting at 2pm today alert 20 minutes before")
app.parse_sentence("Attend Apple Event at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA on September 14 at 9am")
app.parse_sentence("Remind me to clean on Wednesday")
Fantastical Resources
For all classes, methods, and inherited members of the Fantastical module, see the Fantastical Module Reference.