
Below you'll find various images of PromptLab and its output, ordered by recency (most recent at the top).

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Create Keynote From File

Example of using an action script to generate a Keynote slideshow from PromptLab's output

Performance Summary

Command outputing a summary of current CPU and RAM usage

Crypto Performance Table

Command for a summary of crypto performance as a table

Suggest Tools

Output of the Suggest Tools command when used on a folder for a college computer science course

Summarize Selected Files - MP3 Audio Summarization

Output of the Summarize Selected Files command when used on an MP3 file containing spoken words

Summarize Selected Files - WAV Sound Analysis

Output of the Summarize Selected Files command when used on an WAV audio file containing various identified sounds

Summarize Selected Files - JPG Text Summarization

Output of the Summarize Selected Files command when used on a JPG image containing text

Summarize Selected Files - JPG Animal Detection

Output of the Summarize Selected Files command when used on a JPG image containing animals

Extract Code

Output of the Extract Code command when used on a file containing Wolfram and Python code

Identify Relationships

Output of the Identify Relationships command when used on four files related to macOS automation scripting

Create Flashcards

Output of the Create Flashcards command when used on a PDF of an AI research paper

Create Slides

Output of the Create Slides command when used on the DeSmuME application bundle

Create Notes

Output of the Create Notes command when used on a PDF of an AI research paper

Compose Response

Output of the Compose Response command when used on a Processing .pde file

Extract Vocabulary

Output of the Extract Vocabulary command when used on a .emacs file

Overlap Analysis

Output of the Overlap Analysis command when used on two privacy research paper PDFs

Compare Files

Output of the Compare Selected Files command when used on two AI research paper PDFs

Application File Identification

Output of the Identify Selected Files command when used on an application bundle