Music Module Overview ===================== .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 :local: The entirety of Music's scripting interface is available via PyXA. Music Tutorials ############### There are currently no tutorials for the Music module. Music Examples ############## The examples below provide an overview of the capabilities of the Music module. Example 1 - Playback Control **************************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: import PyXA app = PyXA.Application("Music") # Play/Pause/Stop/Resume app.pause() app.stop() app.playpause() # Fast-forward/Rewind app.fast_forward() app.rewind() app.resume() Example 2 - Add Current Track to a Playlist ******************************************* .. code-block:: python :linenos: import PyXA app = PyXA.Music() # Gather info about current track title = artist = app.current_track.artist album = app.current_track.album # Save track to library library = app.sources().by_name("Library") app.current_track.duplicate(library) # Get the saved track object saved_track = app.tracks().filter("name", "==", title).filter("artist", "==", artist).by_album(album) # Add track to playlist playlist = app.playlists().by_name("test") saved_track.move(playlist) Example 3 - Make a Playlist of Tracks in a Given Genre ****************************************************** .. code-block:: python :linenos: import PyXA app = PyXA.Music() # Get a list of all soundtrack tracks soundtracks = app.tracks().filter("genre", "==", "Soundtrack") # Create a new playlist prototype = app.make("playlist", {"name": "Soundtracks"}) new_playlist = app.playlists().push(prototype) # Add soundtracks to the new playlist new_playlist.add_tracks(soundtracks) For all classes, methods, and inherited members of the Music module, see the :ref:`Music Module Reference` and :ref:`Media Application Reference`.