Source code for PyXA.apps.Shortcuts

""".. versionadded:: 0.0.2

Control the macOS Shortcuts application using JXA-like syntax.
from typing import Any, Union, Any
from enum import Enum

import AppKit

from PyXA import XABase
from PyXA import XABaseScriptable
from ..XAProtocols import XACanOpenPath, XAClipboardCodable

[docs] class XAShortcutsApplication(XABaseScriptable.XASBApplication, XACanOpenPath): """A class for managing and interacting with .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """
[docs] class ObjectType(Enum): """Types of objects that can be created using :func:`make`.""" SHORTCUT = "shortcut" FOLDER = "folder"
def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the application.""" return @property def frontmost(self) -> bool: """Whether Shortcuts is the active application.""" return self.xa_scel.frontmost() @frontmost.setter def frontmost(self, frontmost: bool): self.set_property("frontmost", frontmost) @property def version(self) -> str: """The version number of""" return self.xa_scel.version()
[docs] def run(self, shortcut: "XAShortcut", input: Any = None) -> Any: """Runs the shortcut with the provided input. :param shortcut: The shortcut to run :type shortcut: XAShortcut :param input: The input to pass to the shortcut, defaults to None :type input: Any, optional :return: The return value of the last action to execute :rtype: Any .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 """ return
[docs] def folders(self, filter: dict = None) -> "XAShortcutFolderList": """Returns a list of folders matching the given filter. :Example 1: Get all folders >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> print(app.folders()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Shortcuts.XAShortcutFolderList'>['Starter Shortcuts', 'Window Management', 'Dev Tools', ...]> :Example 2: Get the number of shortcuts contained in each folder >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> all_shortcuts = app.folders().shortcuts() >>> lengths = [len(ls) for ls in all_shortcuts] >>> print(lengths) [4, 3, 2, 15, 12, ...] .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4 Now returns an object of :class:`XAShortcutFolderList` instead of a default list. .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.folders(), XAShortcutFolderList, filter)
[docs] def shortcuts(self, filter: dict = None) -> "XAShortcutList": """Returns a list of shortcuts matching the given filter. :Example 1: Get all shortcuts >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> print(app.shortcuts()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Shortcuts.XAShortcutList'>['Combine Screenshots & Share', 'Travel plans', 'Paywall Bypasser via Facebook', 'Display Notification', 'Text Converter For iMessage', ...]> .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4 Now returns an object of :class:`XAShortcutList` instead of a default list. .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.shortcuts(), XAShortcutList, filter)
[docs] def make( self, specifier: Union[str, "XAShortcutsApplication.ObjectType"], properties: Union[dict, None] = None, data: Any = None, ) -> XABase.XAObject: """Creates a new element of the given specifier class without adding it to any list. Use :func:`XABase.XAList.push` to push the element onto a list. :param specifier: The classname of the object to create :type specifier: Union[str, XAShortcutsApplication.ObjectType] :param properties: The properties to give the object :type properties: dict :param data: The data to give the object :type data: Any :return: A PyXA wrapped form of the object :rtype: XABase.XAObject .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ if isinstance(specifier, XAShortcutsApplication.ObjectType): specifier = specifier.value if data is None: camelized_properties = {} if properties is None: properties = {} for key, value in properties.items(): if key == "url": key = "URL" camelized_properties[XABase.camelize(key)] = value obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithProperties_(camelized_properties) ) else: obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithData_(data) ) if specifier == "shortcut": return self._new_element(obj, XAShortcut) elif specifier == "folder": return self._new_element(obj, XAShortcutFolder)
[docs] class XAShortcutFolderList(XABase.XAList, XAClipboardCodable): """A wrapper around lists of shortcuts folders that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of folders can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each folders's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAShortcutFolder, filter)
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XAShortcutFolder", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XAShortcutFolder", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def shortcuts(self, filter: dict = None) -> list["XAShortcutList"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("shortcuts") or [] return [self._new_element(x, XAShortcutList, filter) for x in ls.get()]
[docs] def get_clipboard_representation(self) -> list[str]: """Gets a clipboard-codable representation of each folder in the list. When the clipboard content is set to a list of shortcut folders, each folders's name is added to the clipboard. :return: The list of folder names :rtype: list[str] .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ return
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAShortcutFolder(XABase.XAObject, XAClipboardCodable): """A class for managing and interacting with folders of shortcuts. .. seealso:: :class:`XAShortcutsApplication` .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def id(self) -> str: """A unique identifier for the folder.""" return @property def name(self) -> str: """The name string for the folder.""" return
[docs] def shortcuts(self, filter: dict = None) -> "XAShortcutList": """Returns a list of shortcuts matching the given filter. :Example 1: Get all shortcuts in a folder >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> folder = app.folders()[0] >>> print(folder.shortcuts()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Shortcuts.XAShortcutList'>['Text Last Image', 'Shazam shortcut', 'Make QR Code', 'Music Quiz', ...]> :Example 2: Get a list of shortcut colors in a folder >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> folder = app.folders()[0] >>> print(folder.shortcuts().color()) [<<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAColor'>r=0.21521323919296265, g=0.7715266942977905, b=0.32515448331832886, a=0.0>, <<class 'PyXA.XABase.XAColor'>r=0.2379034161567688, g=0.3681696951389313, b=0.7627069354057312, a=0.0>, ...]> .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4 Now returns an object of :class:`XAShortcutList` instead of a default list. .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.shortcuts(), XAShortcutList, filter)
[docs] def get_clipboard_representation(self) -> str: """Gets a clipboard-codable representation of the folder. When the clipboard content is set to a shortcut folder, the folders's name is added to the clipboard. :return: The name of the folder :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ return
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + + ", id=" + str( + ">" def __eq__(self, other: "XAShortcutFolder"): if super().__eq__(other): return True return ==
[docs] class XAShortcutList(XABase.XAList, XAClipboardCodable): """A wrapper around lists of shortcuts that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of shortcuts can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each shortcut's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAShortcut, filter)
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def subtitle(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("subtitle") or [])
[docs] def folder(self) -> XAShortcutFolderList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XAShortcutFolderList)
[docs] def color(self) -> list[XABase.XAColor]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("color") or [] return [XABase.XAColor(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def icon(self) -> XABase.XAImageList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("icon") or [] return [XABase.XAImage(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def accepts_input(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("acceptsInput") or [])
[docs] def action_count(self) -> list[int]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("actionCount") or [])
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_subtitle(self, subtitle: str) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("subtitle", subtitle)
[docs] def by_folder(self, folder: XAShortcutFolder) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("folder", folder.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_color(self, color: XABase.XAColor) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("color", color.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_icon(self, icon: XABase.XAImage) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("icon", icon.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_accepts_input(self, accepts_input: bool) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("acceptsInput", accepts_input)
[docs] def by_action_count(self, action_count: int) -> Union["XAShortcut", None]: return self.by_property("actionCount", action_count)
[docs] def get_clipboard_representation( self, ) -> list[Union[list[str], list[str], list[AppKit.NSImage]]]: """Gets a clipboard-codable representation of each shortcut in the list. When the clipboard content is set to a list of shortcuts, each shortcut's name, subtitle, and icon are added to the clipboard. :return: A list of each shortcut's name, subtitle, and icon :rtype: list[Union[list[str], list[str], list[AppKit.NSImage]]] .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ items = [] names = subtitles = self.subtitle() icons = self.icon() for index, name in enumerate(names): items.append(name) items.append(subtitles[index]) items.append(icons[index].xa_elem) return items
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAShortcut(XABaseScriptable.XASBPrintable, XAClipboardCodable): """A class for managing and interacting with shortcuts. .. seealso:: :class:`XAShortcutsApplication` .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def id(self) -> str: """The unique identifier for the shortcut.""" return @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the shortcut.""" return @property def subtitle(self) -> str: """The shortcut's subtitle.""" return self.xa_elem.subtitle() @property def folder(self) -> XAShortcutFolder: """The folder that contains the shortcut.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.folder(), XAShortcutFolder) @property def color(self) -> XABase.XAColor: """The color of the short.""" return XABase.XAColor(self.xa_elem.color()) @property def icon(self) -> XABase.XAImage: """The shortcut's icon.""" return XABase.XAImage(self.xa_elem.icon()) @property def accepts_input(self) -> bool: """Whether the shortcut accepts input data.""" return self.xa_elem.acceptsInput() @property def action_count(self) -> int: """The number of actions in the shortcut.""" return self.xa_elem.actionCount()
[docs] def run(self, input: Any = None) -> Any: """Runs the shortcut with the provided input. :param input: The input to pass to the shortcut, defaults to None :type input: Any, optional :return: The value returned when the shortcut executes :rtype: Any :Example 1: Run a shortcut without inputs >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> folder = app.folders().by_name("Dev Tools") >>> shortcut = folder.shortcuts().by_name("Show IP Address") >>> :Example 2: Run a shortcut with text input >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> shortcut = app.shortcuts().by_name("Show Notification") >>>"Testing 1 2 3...") :Example 3: Run a shortcut with URL input >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Shortcuts") >>> safari = PyXA.Application("Safari") >>> document = safari.document(0) >>> shortcut = app.shortcuts().by_name("Save URL as PDF") >>> .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ if isinstance(input, XABase.XAObject): input = input.xa_elem return self.xa_elem.runWithInput_(input)
[docs] def get_clipboard_representation(self) -> list[Union[str, str, AppKit.NSImage]]: """Gets a clipboard-codable representation of the shortcut. When the clipboard content is set to a shortcut, the shortcut's name, subtitle, and icon are added to the clipboard. :return: The shortcut's name, subtitle, and icon :rtype: list[Union[str, str, AppKit.NSImage]] .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ return [, self.subtitle, self.icon.xa_elem]
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + + ", id=" + str( + ">" def __eq__(self, other: "XAShortcut"): if super().__eq__(other): return True return ==