Source code for PyXA.apps.Pages

""".. versionadded:: 0.0.6

Control the macOS Pages application using JXA-like syntax.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Union

import AppKit, ScriptingBridge

from PyXA import XABase
from PyXA.XABase import OSType
from . import iWorkApplicationBase

[docs] class XAPagesApplication(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkApplication): """A class for managing and interacting with .. seealso:: :class:`XAPagesWindow`, :class:`XAPagesDocument` .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """
[docs] class ObjectType(Enum): """Types of objects that can be created using :func:`XAPagesApplication.make`.""" DOCUMENT = "document" SHAPE = "shape" TABLE = "table" AUDIO_CLIP = "audio_clip" CHART = "chart" IMAGE = "image" PAGE = "page" LINE = "line" MOVIE = "movie" TEXT_ITEM = "text_item" GROUP = "group" IWORK_ITEM = "iwork_item"
[docs] class ExportFormat(Enum): """Options for what format to export a Pages project as.""" Pages = OSType("Pgff") #: The Pages native file format EPUB = OSType("Pepu") #: EPUB format PLAINTEXT = OSType("Ptxf") #: Plaintext format PDF = OSType("Ppdf") #: PDF format MICROSOFT_WORD = OSType("Pwrd") #: MS Word format RTF = OSType("Prtf") #: RTF format PAGES_09 = OSType("PPag") #: Pages 09 format
def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) self.xa_wcls = XAPagesWindow
[docs] def documents(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesDocumentList": """Returns a list of documents, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned documents will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of documents :rtype: XAPagesDocumentList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.documents(), XAPagesDocumentList, filter)
[docs] def new_document( self, file_path: Union[str, XABase.XAPath] = "./Untitled.pages", template: "XAPagesTemplate" = None, ) -> "XAPagesDocument": """Creates a new document at the specified path and with the specified template. :param file_path: The path to create the document at, defaults to "./Untitled.key" :type file_path: str, optional :param template: The template to initialize the document with, defaults to None :type template: XAPagesPage, optional :return: The newly created document object :rtype: XAPagesDocument .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = XABase.XAPath(file_path) properties = { "file": file_path.xa_elem, } if template is not None: properties["documentTemplate"] = template.xa_elem new_document = self.make("document", properties) self.documents().push(new_document) return self.documents()[0]
[docs] def templates(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesTemplateList": """Returns a list of templates, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned templates will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of templates :rtype: XAPagesTemplateList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.templates(), XAPagesTemplateList, filter)
[docs] def make( self, specifier: Union[str, "XAPagesApplication.ObjectType"], properties: dict = None, data: Any = None, ): """Creates a new element of the given specifier class without adding it to any list. Use :func:`XABase.XAList.push` to push the element onto a list. :param specifier: The classname of the object to create :type specifier: Union[str, XAPagesApplication.ObjectType] :param properties: The properties to give the object :type properties: dict :param data: The data to initialize the object with, defaults to None :type data: Any, optional :return: A PyXA wrapped form of the object :rtype: XABase.XAObject :Example 1: Making a new document >>> import PyXA >>> pages = PyXA.Application("Pages") >>> new_doc = pages.make("document", {"bodyText": "This is a whole new document!"}) >>> pages.documents().push(new_doc) :Example 3: Making new elements on a page >>> import PyXA >>> pages = PyXA.Application("Pages") >>> new_line = pages.make("line", {"startPoint": (100, 100), "endPoint": (200, 200)}) >>> pages.documents()[0].pages()[0].lines().push(new_line) .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ if isinstance(specifier, XAPagesApplication.ObjectType): specifier = specifier.value if data is None: camelized_properties = {} if properties is None: properties = {} for key, value in properties.items(): if key == "url": key = "URL" camelized_properties[XABase.camelize(key)] = value obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithProperties_(camelized_properties) ) else: obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithData_(data) ) if specifier == "document": return self._new_element(obj, XAPagesDocument) elif specifier == "shape": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShape) elif specifier == "table": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTable) elif specifier == "audio_clip": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClip) elif specifier == "chart": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChart) elif specifier == "image": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImage) elif specifier == "page": return self._new_element(obj, XAPagesPage) elif specifier == "line": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLine) elif specifier == "movie": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovie) elif specifier == "text_item": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItem) elif specifier == "group": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroup) elif specifier == "iwork_item": return self._new_element(obj, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItem)
[docs] class XAPagesWindow(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkWindow): """A class for managing and interacting with windows in .. versionadded:: 0.0.1 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def document(self) -> "XAPagesDocument": """The document currently displayed in the window.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.document(), XAPagesDocument)
[docs] class XAPagesDocumentList(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkDocumentList): """A wrapper around lists of themes that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of themes can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each theme's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.5 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, filter, XAPagesDocument)
[docs] def properties(self) -> list[dict]: raw_dicts = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("properties") or [] pyxa_dicts = [None] * len(self.xa_elem) for index, doc in enumerate(self.xa_elem): pyxa_dicts[index] = { "id": raw_dicts[index]["id"], "current_page": self._new_element( raw_dicts[index]["currentPage"], XAPagesDocument ), "file": XABase.XAPath(raw_dicts[index]["file"]), "modified": raw_dicts[index]["modified"], "document_body": raw_dicts[index]["documentBody"], "document_template": self._new_element( raw_dicts[index]["documentTemplate"], XAPagesTemplate ), "body_text": raw_dicts[index]["bodyText"], "facing_pages": raw_dicts[index]["facingPages"], "selection": self._new_element( raw_dicts[index]["selection"], iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList, ), "name": raw_dicts[index]["name"], "password_protected": raw_dicts[index]["passwordProtected"], } return pyxa_dicts
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def modified(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("modified") or [])
[docs] def file(self) -> list[XABase.XAPath]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("file") or [] return [XABase.XAPath(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def document_template(self) -> "XAPagesTemplateList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("documentTemplate") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XAPagesTemplateList)
[docs] def body_text(self) -> XABase.XATextList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("bodyText") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XATextList)
[docs] def document_body(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("documentBody") or [])
[docs] def facing_pages(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("facingPages") or [])
[docs] def current_page(self) -> "XAPagesPageList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("currentPage") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XAPagesPageList)
[docs] def by_properties(self, properties: dict) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: raw_dict = {} if "id" in properties: raw_dict["id"] = properties["id"] if "current_page" in properties: raw_dict["currentPage"] = properties["current_page"].xa_elem if "file" in properties: if isinstance(properties["file"], str): raw_dict["file"] = properties["file"] else: raw_dict["file"] = properties["file"].xa_elem if "modified" in properties: raw_dict["modified"] = properties["modified"] if "document_body" in properties: raw_dict["documentBody"] = properties["document_body"] if "document_template" in properties: raw_dict["documentTemplate"] = properties["document_template".xa_elem] if "body_text" in properties: raw_dict["bodyText"] = properties["body_text"] if "facing_pages" in properties: raw_dict["facingPages"] = properties["facing_pages"] if "selection" in properties: selection = properties["selection"] if isinstance(selection, list): selection = [x.xa_elem for x in selection] raw_dict["selection"] = selection if "name" in properties: raw_dict["name"] = properties["name"] if "password_protected" in properties: raw_dict["passwordProtected"] = properties["password_protected"] for document in self.xa_elem: if all(raw_dict[x] ==[x] for x in raw_dict): return self._new_element(document, XAPagesDocument)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_modified(self, modified: bool) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("modified", modified)
[docs] def by_file( self, file: Union[str, XABase.XAPath] ) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: if isinstance(file, XABase.XAPath): file = file.url return self.by_property("file", file)
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_document_template( self, document_template: "XAPagesTemplate" ) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("documentTemplate", document_template.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_body_text( self, body_text: Union[str, XABase.XAText] ) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: if isinstance(body_text, str): self.by_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.by_property("bodyText", body_text.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_document_body(self, document_body: bool) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("documentBody", document_body)
[docs] def by_facing_pages(self, facing_pages: bool) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("facingPages", facing_pages)
[docs] def by_current_page( self, current_page: "XAPagesPage" ) -> Union["XAPagesDocument", None]: return self.by_property("currentPage", current_page.xa_elem)
[docs] def audio_clips( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("audioClips")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList, filter)
[docs] def charts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("charts")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList, filter)
[docs] def groups( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("groups")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList, filter)
[docs] def images( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("images")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList, filter)
[docs] def iwork_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("iWorkItems")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList, filter)
[docs] def lines( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("lines")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList, filter)
[docs] def movies( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("movies")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList, filter)
[docs] def pages(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesPageList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("pages")] return self._new_element(ls, XAPagesPageList, filter)
[docs] def sections(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesSectionList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("sections")] return self._new_element(ls, XAPagesSectionList, filter)
[docs] def shapes( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("shapes")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList, filter)
[docs] def tables( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("tables")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter)
[docs] def text_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("textItems")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter)
[docs] def placeholder_texts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "XAPagesPlaceholderTextList": ls = [x for x in self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("placeholderTexts")] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAPagesDocument(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkDocument): """A class for managing and interacting with Pages documents. .. seealso:: :class:`XAPagesApplication` .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def properties(self) -> dict: """All properties of the document.""" raw_dict = pyxa_dict = { "id": raw_dict["id"], "current_page": self._new_element(raw_dict["currentPage"], XAPagesDocument), "file": XABase.XAPath(raw_dict["file"]), "modified": raw_dict["modified"], "document_body": raw_dict["documentBody"], "document_template": self._new_element( raw_dict["documentTemplate"], XAPagesTemplate ), "body_text": raw_dict["bodyText"], "facing_pages": raw_dict["facingPages"], "selection": self._new_element( raw_dict["selection"], iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList ), "name": raw_dict["name"], "password_protected": raw_dict["passwordProtected"], } return pyxa_dict @property def document_template(self) -> "XAPagesTemplate": """The template assigned to the document.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.documentTemplate(), XAPagesTemplate) @property def body_text(self) -> XABase.XAText: """The document body text.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.bodyText(), XABase.XAText) @body_text.setter def body_text(self, body_text: Union[XABase.XAText, str]): if isinstance(body_text, str): self.set_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.set_property("bodyText", str(body_text)) @property def document_body(self) -> bool: """Whether the document has body text.""" return self.xa_elem.documentBody() @property def facing_pages(self) -> bool: """Whether the document has facing pages.""" return self.xa_elem.facingPages() @facing_pages.setter def facing_pages(self, facing_pages: bool): self.set_property("facingPages", facing_pages) @property def current_page(self) -> "XAPagesPage": """The current page of the document.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.currentPage(), XAPagesPage)
[docs] def export( self, file_path: Union[str, AppKit.NSURL] = None, format: XAPagesApplication.ExportFormat = XAPagesApplication.ExportFormat.PDF, ): """Exports the document in the specified format. :param file_path: The path to save the exported file at, defaults to None :type file_path: Union[str, AppKit.NSURL], optional :param format: The format to export the file in, defaults to XAPagesApplication.ExportFormat.PDF :type format: XAPagesApplication.ExportFormat, optional .. versionadded:: 0.0.3 """ if file_path is None: file_path = self.file.path()[:-4] + ".pdf" if isinstance(file_path, str): file_path = AppKit.NSURL.alloc().initFileURLWithPath_(file_path) self.xa_elem.exportTo_as_withProperties_(file_path, format.value, None)
[docs] def new_page(self, text: Union[str, XABase.XAText]) -> "XAPagesPage": """Creates a new page at the end of the document. :param text: The text to initialize the new page with :type text: Union[str, XABase.XAText] :return: A reference to the newly created page object :rtype: XAPagesPage .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ parent = self.xa_prnt while not hasattr(parent, "make"): parent = parent.xa_prnt new_page = parent.make("page", {}) page = self.pages().push(new_page) page.body_text = text return page
[docs] def audio_clips( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList": """Returns a list of audio clips, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned audio clips will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of audio clips :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.audioClips(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList, filter )
[docs] def charts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList": """Returns a list of charts, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned charts will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of charts :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.charts(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList, filter )
[docs] def groups( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList": """Returns a list of groups, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned groups will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of groups :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.groups(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList, filter )
[docs] def images( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList": """Returns a list of images, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned images will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of images :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.images(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList, filter )
[docs] def iwork_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList": """Returns a list of iWork items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned iWork items will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of iWork items :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.iWorkItems(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList, filter )
[docs] def lines( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList": """Returns a list of lines, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned lines will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of lines :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.lines(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList, filter )
[docs] def movies( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList": """Returns a list of movies, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned movies will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of movies :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.movies(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList, filter )
[docs] def pages(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesPageList": """Returns a list of pages, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned pages will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of pages :rtype: XAPagesPageList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.pages(), XAPagesPageList, filter)
[docs] def sections(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesSectionList": """Returns a list of sections, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned sections will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of sections :rtype: XAPagesSectionList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.sections(), XAPagesSectionList, filter)
[docs] def shapes( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList": """Returns a list of shapes, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned shapes will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of shapes :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.shapes(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList, filter )
[docs] def tables( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList": """Returns a list of tables, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned tables will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of tables :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.tables(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter )
[docs] def text_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList": """Returns a list of text items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned text items will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of text items :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.textItems(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList, filter )
[docs] def placeholder_texts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "XAPagesPlaceholderTextList": """Returns a list of placeholder texts, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned placeholder texts will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of placeholder texts :rtype: XAPagesPlaceholderTextList .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.placeholderTexts(), XAPagesPlaceholderTextList, filter )
def __repr__(self): try: return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">" except AttributeError: # Probably dealing with a proxy object created via make() return "<" + str(type(self)) + str(self.xa_elem) + ">"
[docs] class XAPagesTemplateList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around lists of templates that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of templates can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each template's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAPagesTemplate, filter)
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XAPagesTemplate", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XAPagesTemplate", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
def __repr__(self): return f"<{str(type(self))}{}>"
[docs] class XAPagesTemplate(XABase.XAObject): """A class for managing and interacting with Pages templates. .. seealso:: :class:`XAPagesApplication` .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def id(self) -> str: """The unique identifier for the template.""" return @property def name(self) -> str: """The localized name of the template.""" return def __repr__(self): try: return f"<{str(type(self))}{}, id={str(}>" except AttributeError: # Probably dealing with a proxy object created via make() return "<" + str(type(self)) + str(self.xa_elem) + ">"
[docs] class XAPagesSectionList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around lists of sections that employs fast enumeration techniques. .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAPagesSection, filter)
[docs] def body_text(self) -> XABase.XATextList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("bodyText") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XATextList)
[docs] def by_body_text( self, body_text: Union[str, XABase.XAText] ) -> Union["XAPagesSection", None]: if isinstance(body_text, str): self.by_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.by_property("bodyText", str(body_text))
[docs] def audio_clips( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("audioClips") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList, filter)
[docs] def charts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("charts") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList, filter)
[docs] def groups( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("groups") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList, filter)
[docs] def images( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("images") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList, filter)
[docs] def iwork_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("iWorkItems") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList, filter)
[docs] def lines( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("lines") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList, filter)
[docs] def movies( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("movies") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList, filter)
[docs] def shapes( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("shapes") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList, filter)
[docs] def tables( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("tables") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter)
[docs] def pages(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesPageList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("pages") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, XAPagesPageList, filter)
[docs] def text_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("textItems") or [] if isinstance(ls[0], ScriptingBridge.SBElementArray): ls = [x for sublist in ls for x in sublist] else: ls = [x for x in ls] return self._new_element(ls, iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter)
def __repr__(self): return f"<{str(type(self))}length:{len(self.xa_elem)}>"
[docs] class XAPagesSection(XABase.XAObject): """A class for managing and interacting with sections in Pages. .. seealso:: :class:`XAPagesApplication`, :class:`iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItem` .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def body_text(self) -> XABase.XAText: """The section body text.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.bodyText(), XABase.XAText) @body_text.setter def body_text(self, body_text: Union[XABase.XAText, str]): if isinstance(body_text, str): self.set_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.set_property("bodyText", str(body_text))
[docs] def iwork_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList": """Returns a list of iWork items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned iWork items will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of iWork items :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.iWorkItems(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItemList, filter )
[docs] def audio_clips( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList": """Returns a list of audio clips, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned audio clips will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of audio clips :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.audioClips(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkAudioClipList, filter )
[docs] def charts( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList": """Returns a list of charts, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned charts will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of charts :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.charts(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkChartList, filter )
[docs] def images( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList": """Returns a list of images, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned images will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of images :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.images(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImageList, filter )
[docs] def groups( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList": """Returns a list of groups, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned groups will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of groups :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.groups(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkGroupList, filter )
[docs] def lines( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList": """Returns a list of lines, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned lines will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of lines :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.lines(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkLineList, filter )
[docs] def movies( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList": """Returns a list of movies, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned movies will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of movies :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.movies(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkMovieList, filter )
[docs] def shapes( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList": """Returns a list of shapes, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned shapes will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of shapes :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.shapes(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkShapeList, filter )
[docs] def pages(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAPagesPageList": """Returns a list of pages, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned pages will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of pages :rtype: XAPagesPageList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.pages(), XAPagesPageList, filter)
[docs] def tables( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList": """Returns a list of tables, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned tables will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of tables :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.tables(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTableList, filter )
[docs] def text_items( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList": """Returns a list of text_items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned text_items will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of text_items :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_elem.textItems(), iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkTextItemList, filter )
[docs] class XAPagesContainerList(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkContainerList): """A wrapper around lists of containers that employs fast enumeration techniques. .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ def __init__( self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None, obj_class=None ): if obj_class is None: obj_class = XAPagesContainer self._xa_ccls = XAPagesPageList super().__init__(properties, filter, obj_class)
[docs] class XAPagesContainer(iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkContainer): """A class for managing and interacting with containers in Pages. .. versionadded:: 0.0.8 """ def __init__(self, properties): self._xa_ccls = XAPagesPageList super().__init__(properties)
[docs] class XAPagesPageList(XAPagesContainerList): """A wrapper around lists of pages that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of pages can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each page's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, filter, XAPagesPage)
[docs] def properties(self) -> list[dict]: raw_dicts = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("properties") or [] pyxa_dicts = [None] * len(self.xa_elem) for index, raw_dict in enumerate(raw_dicts): pyxa_dicts[index] = { "body_text": self._new_element(raw_dict["bodyText"], XABase.XAText) } return pyxa_dicts
[docs] def body_text(self) -> XABase.XATextList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("bodyText") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XATextList)
[docs] def by_properties(self, properties: dict) -> Union["XAPagesPage", None]: raw_dict = {} if "body_text" in properties: raw_dict["bodyText"] = str(properties["body_text"]) for page in self.xa_elem: if all([raw_dict[x] ==[x] for x in raw_dict]): return self._new_element(page, XAPagesPage)
[docs] def by_body_text( self, body_text: Union[str, XABase.XAText] ) -> Union["XAPagesPage", None]: if isinstance(body_text, str): self.by_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.by_property("bodyText", body_text.xa_elem)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + "length:" + str(len(self.xa_elem)) + ">"
[docs] class XAPagesPage(XAPagesContainer): """A class for managing and interacting with pages in Pages documents. .. seealso:: :class:`XAPagesApplication`, :class:`iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkiWorkItem` .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def properties(self) -> dict: """All properties of the page.""" raw_dict = pyxa_dict = { "body_text": self._new_element(raw_dict["bodyText"], XABase.XAText) } return pyxa_dict @property def body_text(self) -> XABase.XAText: """The page body text.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.bodyText(), XABase.XAText) @body_text.setter def body_text(self, body_text: Union[XABase.XAText, str]): if isinstance(body_text, str): self.set_property("bodyText", body_text) else: self.set_property("bodyText", str(body_text))
[docs] def add_image( self, file_path: Union[str, XABase.XAPath, XABase.XAImage] ) -> "iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImage": """Adds the image at the specified path to the page. :param file_path: The path to the image file :type file_path: Union[str, XABase.XAPath, XABase.XAImage] :return: The newly created image object :rtype: iWorkApplicationBase.XAiWorkImage .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ url = file_path if isinstance(url, str): url = XABase.XAPath(url).url elif isinstance(url, XABase.XAImage): url = XABase.XAPath(url.file).xa_elem elif isinstance(url, XABase.XAPath): url = url.url parent = self.xa_prnt while not hasattr(parent, "make"): parent = parent.xa_prnt image = self.images().push(parent.make("image", {"file": url})) image.xa_prnt = self return image
[docs] class XAPagesPlaceholderTextList(XABase.XATextList): """A wrapper around lists of placeholder texts that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of placeholder texts can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each text's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, filter, XAPagesPlaceholderText)
[docs] def tag(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("tag") or [])
[docs] def by_tag(self, tag: str) -> Union["XAPagesPlaceholderText", None]: return self.by_property("tag", tag)
[docs] class XAPagesPlaceholderText(XABase.XAText): """A placeholder text in .. versionadded:: 0.0.6 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def tag(self) -> str: """The placeholder text's script tag.""" return self.xa_elem.tag() @tag.setter def tag(self, tag: str): self.set_property("tag", tag)