Source code for PyXA.apps.ImageEvents

from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Dict
from threading import Timer

import AppKit
import ScriptingBridge

from PyXA import XABase
from PyXA.XABase import OSType
from PyXA import XABaseScriptable
from ..XAEvents import event_from_int, event_from_str
from ..XAProtocols import XACanOpenPath, XAClipboardCodable, XAImageLike

[docs] class XAImageEventsApplication( XABase.XAEventsApplication, XABaseScriptable.XASBApplication, XACanOpenPath ): """A class for interacting with Image .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """
[docs] class BitDepth(Enum): """Bit depth options.""" BEST = XABase.OSType("best") BLACK_AND_WHITE = XABase.OSType("b&w ") COLOR = XABase.OSType("colr") FOUR_COLORS = XABase.OSType("4clr") FOUR_GRAYS = XABase.OSType("4gry") GRAYSCALE = XABase.OSType("gray") MILLIONS_OF_COLORS = XABase.OSType("mill") MILLIONS_OF_COLORS_PLUS = XABase.OSType("mil+") SIXTEEN_COLORS = XABase.OSType("16cl") SIXTEEN_GRAYS = XABase.OSType("16gr") THOUSANDS_OF_COLORS = XABase.OSType("thou") TWO_HUNDRED_FIFTY_SIX_COLORS = XABase.OSType("256c") TWO_HUNDRED_FIFTY_SIX_GRAYS = XABase.OSType("256g")
[docs] class DeviceClass(Enum): """Profile device class options.""" ABSTRACT = XABase.OSType("abst") COLORSPACE = XABase.OSType("spac") INPUT = XABase.OSType("scnr") LINK = XABase.OSType("link") MONITOR = XABase.OSType("mntr") NAMED = XABase.OSType("nmcl") OUTPUT = XABase.OSType("prtr")
[docs] class ConnectionSpace(Enum): """Profile connection space options.""" LAB = XABase.OSType("Lab ") XYZ = XABase.OSType("XYZ ")
[docs] class CompressionLevel(Enum): """Compression options.""" HIGH = XABase.OSType("high") MEDIUM = XABase.OSType("medi") LOW = XABase.OSType("low ")
[docs] class FileType(Enum): """Image file type options.""" BMP = XABase.OSType("BMPf") GIF = XABase.OSType("GIF ") JPEG = XABase.OSType("JPEG") JPEG2 = XABase.OSType("jpg2") MACPAINT = XABase.OSType("PNTG") PDF = XABase.OSType("PDF ") PHOTOSHOP = XABase.OSType("8BPS") PICT = XABase.OSType("PICT") PNG = XABase.OSType("PNGf") PSD = XABase.OSType("psd ") QUICKTIME = XABase.OSType("qtif") SGI = XABase.OSType(".SGI") TEXT = XABase.OSType("TEXT") TGA = XABase.OSType("tga ") TIFF = XABase.OSType("TIFF")
[docs] class ProfileQuality(Enum): """Profile quality options.""" BEST = XABase.OSType("Qua2") NORMAL = XABase.OSType("Qua0") DRAFT = XABase.OSType("Qua1")
[docs] class ColorSpace(Enum): """Color space options.""" CMYK = XABase.OSType("CMYK") EIGHT_CHANNEL = XABase.OSType("MCH8") EIGHT_COLOR = XABase.OSType("8CLR") FIVE_CHANNEL = XABase.OSType("MCH5") FIVE_COLOR = XABase.OSType("5CLR") GRAY = XABase.OSType("GRAY") LAB = XABase.OSType("Lab ") NAMED = XABase.OSType("NAME") RGB = XABase.OSType("RGB ") SEVEN_CHANNEL = XABase.OSType("MCH7") SEVEN_COLOR = XABase.OSType("7CLR") SIX_CHANNEL = XABase.OSType("MCH6") SIX_COLOR = XABase.OSType("6CLR") XYZ = XABase.OSType("XYZ ")
[docs] class RenderingIntent(Enum): """Rendering intent options.""" ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC = XABase.OSType("Rdr3") PERCEPTUAL = XABase.OSType("Rdr0") RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC = XABase.OSType("R1r2") SATURATION = XABase.OSType("Rdr2")
[docs] class ImageQuality(Enum): """Image quality options.""" BEST = XABase.OSType("best") HIGH = XABase.OSType("high") MEDIUM = XABase.OSType("medi") LOW = XABase.OSType("low ") LEAST = XABase.OSType("leas")
def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the application. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return @property def frontmost(self) -> bool: """Whether Image Events is the frontmost application. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_scel.frontmost() @property def version(self) -> str: """The version number of the application. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_scel.version() @property def application_support_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Application Support folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.applicationSupportFolder(), XABase.XAFolder ) @property def applications_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Applications folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.applicationsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def classic_domain(self) -> "XABase.XAClassicDomainObject": """The collection of folders belonging to the Classic System. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.classicDomain(), XABase.XAClassicDomainObject ) @property def desktop_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Desktop folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.desktopFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def desktop_pictures_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Desktop Pictures folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.desktopPicturesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def documents_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Documents folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.documentsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def downloads_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Downloads folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.downloadsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def favorites_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Favorites folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.favoritesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def folder_action_scripts_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Folder Action Scripts folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.folderActionScriptsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder ) @property def fonts_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Fonts folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.fontsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def home_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Home folder of the currently logged in user. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.homeFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def library_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Library folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.libraryFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def local_domain(self) -> "XABase.XALocalDomainObject": """The collection of folders residing on the Local machine. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.localDomain(), XABase.XALocalDomainObject) @property def movies_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Movies folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.moviesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def music_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Music folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.musicFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def network_domain(self) -> "XABase.XANetworkDomainObject": """The collection of folders residing on the Network. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.networkDomain(), XABase.XANetworkDomainObject ) @property def pictures_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Pictures folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.picturesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def preferences_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Preferences folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.preferencesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def public_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Public folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.publicFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def scripting_additions_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Scripting Additions folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.scriptingAdditionsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder ) @property def scripts_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Scripts folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.scriptsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def shared_documents_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Shared Documents folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.sharedDocumentsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def sites_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Sites folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.sitesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def speakable_items_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Speakable Items folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.speakableItemsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def startup_disk(self) -> "XABase.XADisk": """The disk from which Mac OS X was loaded. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.startupDisk(), XABase.XADisk) @property def system_domain(self) -> "XABase.XASystemDomainObject": """The collection of folders belonging to the System. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.systemDomain(), XABase.XASystemDomainObject ) @property def temporary_items_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Temporary Items folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.temporaryItemsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def trash(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The user's Trash folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.trash(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def user_domain(self) -> "XABase.XAUserDomainObject": """The collection of folders belonging to the User. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.userDomain(), XABase.XAUserDomainObject) @property def utilities_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Utilities folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.utilitiesFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def workflows_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAFolder": """The Automator Workflows folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.workflowsFolder(), XABase.XAFolder) @property def default_cmyk_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default CMYK profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultCMYKProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile ) @property def default_cmyk_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default CMYK profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultCMYKProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile ) @property def default_gray_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default Gray profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultGrayProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile ) @property def default_gray_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default Gray profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultGrayProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile ) @property def default_lab_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default Lab profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.defaultLabProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def default_lab_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default Lab profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultLabProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile ) @property def default_rgb_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default RGB profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.defaultRGBProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def default_rgb_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default RGB profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultRGBProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile ) @property def default_xyz_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default XYZ profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.defaultXYZProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def default_xyz_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default XYZ profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.defaultXYZProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile ) @property def preferred_cmm(self) -> "str": """Specifies preferred Color Management Module to use, or "automatic". .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_scel.preferredCMM() @property def profile_folder(self) -> "XABase.XAAlias": """The ColorSync profile folder. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.profileFolder(), XABase.XAAlias) @property def quit_delay(self) -> "int": """The time in seconds the application will idle before quitting; if set to zero, idle time will not cause the application to quit. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_scel.quitDelay() @property def system_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The default system profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.systemProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def system_profile_location(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The default system profile location. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.systemProfileLocation(), XABase.XAFile)
[docs] def aliases(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XAAliasList": """Returns a list of aliases, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.aliases(), XABase.XAAliasList, filter)
[docs] def disks(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XADiskList": """Returns a list of disks, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.disks(), XABase.XADiskList, filter)
[docs] def disk_items(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XADiskItemList": """Returns a list of disk items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.diskItems(), XABase.XADiskItemList, filter )
[docs] def domains(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XADomainList": """Returns a list of domains, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(, XABase.XADomainList, filter)
[docs] def files(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XAFileList": """Returns a list of files, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.files(), XABase.XAFileList, filter)
[docs] def file_packages( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "XABase.XAFilePackageList": """Returns a list of file packages, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.filePackages(), XABase.XAFilePackageList, filter )
[docs] def folders(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XAFolderList": """Returns a list of folders, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.folders(), XABase.XAFolderList, filter)
[docs] def items(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XABase.XADiskItemList": """Returns a list of items, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.items(), XABase.XADiskItemList, filter)
[docs] def displays(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAImageEventsDisplayList": """Returns a list of displays, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.displays(), XAImageEventsDisplayList, filter )
[docs] def images(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAImageEventsImageList": """Returns a list of images, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.images(), XAImageEventsImageList, filter)
[docs] def profiles(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAImageEventsProfileList": """Returns a list of profiles, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.profiles(), XAImageEventsProfileList, filter )
[docs] def open( self, *paths: Union[list[XABase.XAPath], XABase.XAPath, str] ) -> "XAImageEventsImage": """Opens the disk item at the given filepath. :param path: The path to a file or the URL to a website to open. :type path: Union[list[XABase.XAPath], XABase.XAPath, str] :return: A reference to the opened file, or None if no file was created or it cannot be found :rtype: Any .. versionadded:: 0.0.1 """ if len(paths) > 1: # Open multiple paths new_files = [] for path in paths: if isinstance(path, str): path = XABase.XAPath(path) new_files.append(self.xa_scel.open_(path.xa_elem)) return self._new_element(new_files, XAImageEventsImageList) # Open a single path if isinstance(paths[0], str): paths = XABase.XAPath(paths[0]) else: paths = paths[0] file = self.xa_scel.open_(paths.xa_elem) return self._new_element(file, XAImageEventsImage)
[docs] class XAImageEventsDisplayList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around lists of displays that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of displays can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each display's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAImageEventsDisplay, filter)
[docs] def display_number(self) -> list["int"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("displayNumber") or [])
[docs] def display_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfileList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("displayProfile") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XAImageEventsProfileList)
[docs] def name(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def by_display_number(self, display_number: int) -> "XAImageEventsDisplay": return self.by_property("displayNumber", display_number)
[docs] def by_display_profile( self, display_profile: "XAImageEventsProfile" ) -> "XAImageEventsDisplay": return self.by_property("displayProfile", display_profile.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> "XAImageEventsDisplay": return self.by_property("name", name)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsDisplay(XABase.XAObject): """A monitor connected to the computer. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def display_number(self) -> "int": """The number of the display. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.displayNumber() @property def display_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The profile for the display. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.displayProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def name(self) -> "str": """The name of the display. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsImageList(XABase.XAImageList): """A wrapper around lists of images that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of images can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each image's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, filter, XAImageEventsImage)
[docs] def properties(self) -> list[Dict]: pyxa_dicts = [] ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("properties") or [] for raw_dict in ls: pyxa_dict = { "color_space": XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["colorSpace"].stringValue()) ), "image_file": self._new_element(raw_dict["imageFile"], XABase.XAFile), "bit_depth": XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["bitDepth"].stringValue()) ), "dimensions": tuple(raw_dict["dimensions"]), "location": self._new_element(raw_dict["location"], XABase.XAFolder), "embedded_profile": self._new_element( raw_dict["embeddedProfile"], XAImageEventsProfile ), "file_type": XAImageEventsApplication.FileType( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["fileType"].stringValue()) ), "class": "image", "name": raw_dict["name"], "resolution": tuple(raw_dict["resolution"]), } pyxa_dicts.append(pyxa_dict) return pyxa_dicts
[docs] def original_image_objects(self) -> XABase.XAImageList: image_paths = [None] * self.xa_elem.count() for index, image in enumerate(self.xa_elem): image_paths[index] = image.imageFile().POSIXPath() images = self._new_element(image_paths, XABase.XAImageList) return images
[docs] def modified_image_objects(self) -> XABase.XAImageList: image_paths = [None] * self.xa_elem.count() for index, image in enumerate(self.xa_elem): image_paths[index] = ( image.imageFile().POSIXPath() + "-tmp." + image.imageFile().nameExtension() ) file_type = XABase.OSType(image.fileType().get().stringValue()) image.saveAs_icon_in_PackBits_withCompressionLevel_( file_type, False, image_paths[index], False, XAImageEventsApplication.CompressionLevel.LOW.value, ) images = self._new_element(image_paths, XABase.XAImageList) def cleanup(): for path in image_paths: AppKit.NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath_error_( path, None ) t = Timer(1, cleanup) t.start() return images
[docs] def bit_depth(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth"]: return [x.bit_depth for x in self]
[docs] def color_space(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace"]: return [x.color_space for x in self]
[docs] def dimensions(self) -> list[list[int]]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("dimensions") or [] return [tuple(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def embedded_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfileList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("embeddedProfile") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XAImageEventsProfileList)
[docs] def file_type(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.FileType"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("fileType") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.FileType(XABase.OSType(x.get().stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def image_file(self) -> "XABase.XAFileList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("imageFile") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XAFileList)
[docs] def location(self) -> list["XABase.XADiskItem"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("location") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XADiskItemList)
[docs] def name(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def resolution(self) -> list["float"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("resolution") or [] return [tuple(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def by_bit_depth(self, bit_depth) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth": for x in self.xa_elem: if x.bitDepth() == bit_depth.value: return x
[docs] def by_color_space( self, color_space: "XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace" ) -> "XAImageEventsImage": for x in self.xa_elem: if x.colorSpace() == color_space.value: return x
[docs] def by_dimensions(self, dimensions: list[int]) -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("dimensions", dimensions)
[docs] def by_embedded_profile( self, embedded_profile: "XAImageEventsProfile" ) -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("embeddedProfile", embedded_profile.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_file_type( self, file_type: "XAImageEventsApplication.FileType" ) -> "XAImageEventsImage": for x in self.xa_elem: if x.fileType().get().stringValue() == XABase.unOSType(file_type.value): return x
[docs] def by_image_file(self, image_file: "XABase.XAFile") -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("imageFile", image_file.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_location(self, location: "XABase.XADiskItem") -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("location", location.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_resolution(self, resolution: list[float]) -> "XAImageEventsImage": return self.by_property("resolution", resolution)
[docs] def embed_profile(self, profile: "XAImageEventsProfile") -> "XABase.XAImageList": """Embeds the specified ICC profile in each image of the list. :param profile: The ICC profile to embed in the image :type profile: XAImageEventsProfile :return: The list of modified images :rtype: XABase.XAImageList .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ icc_data = AppKit.NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL_(profile.location.url.xa_elem) color_space = AppKit.NSColorSpace.alloc().initWithICCProfileData_(icc_data) images = [None] * self.xa_elem.count() for index, ie_image in enumerate(self.xa_elem): image = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_( XABase.XAPath(ie_image.imageFile().POSIXPath()).xa_elem ) img_rep = AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.imageRepWithData_( image.TIFFRepresentation() ) bitmap_image_rep = ( img_rep.bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace_renderingIntent_( color_space, AppKit.NSColorRenderingIntentPerceptual ) ) # Save rep into this object's data images[index] = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithCGImage_( bitmap_image_rep.CGImage() ) return self._new_element(images, XABase.XAImageList)
[docs] def unembed(self) -> "XABase.XAImageList": """Removes any embedded ICC profiles from each image of the list. :return: The list of modified images :rtype: XABase.XAImageList .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ images = [None] * self.xa_elem.count() for index, ie_image in enumerate(self.xa_elem): image = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_( XABase.XAPath(ie_image.imageFile().POSIXPath()).xa_elem ) img_rep = AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.imageRepWithData_( image.TIFFRepresentation() ) bitmap_image_rep = ( img_rep.bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace_renderingIntent_( AppKit.NSColorSpace.genericRGBColorSpace(), AppKit.NSColorRenderingIntentPerceptual, ) ) # Save rep into this object's data images[index] = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithCGImage_( bitmap_image_rep.CGImage() ) return self._new_element(images, XABase.XAImageList)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsImage(XABase.XAImage): """An image contained in a file. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) self.modified = ( False #: Whether the image has been modified since it was last saved ) self.xa_prnt = properties["parent"] self.xa_scel = properties["element"] # Elevate base element to XAImage self.xa_elem = XABase.XAImage(self.image_file.posix_path).xa_elem @property def properties(self) -> Dict: """All properties of the image. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ raw_dict = pyxa_dict = { "color_space": XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["colorSpace"].stringValue()) ), "image_file": self._new_element(raw_dict["imageFile"], XABase.XAFile), "bit_depth": XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["bitDepth"].stringValue()) ), "dimensions": tuple(raw_dict["dimensions"]), "location": self._new_element(raw_dict["location"], XABase.XAFolder), "embedded_profile": self._new_element( raw_dict["embeddedProfile"], XAImageEventsProfile ), "file_type": XAImageEventsApplication.FileType( XABase.OSType(raw_dict["fileType"].stringValue()) ), "class": "image", "name": raw_dict["name"], "resolution": tuple(raw_dict["resolution"]), } return pyxa_dict @property def original_image_object(self) -> XABase.XAImage: """The original image contained in the file, without any modification. :return: The image object stored in the file :rtype: XABase.XAImage .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ path = self.image_file.posix_path.path img = XABase.XAImage(path) return img @property def modified_image_object(self) -> XABase.XAImage: """The image stored in active memory, including modifications. :return: The image object stored in active memory :rtype: XABase.XAImage .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ path = ( self.image_file.posix_path.path + "-tmp." + self.image_file.name_extension ) img = XABase.XAImage(path) def cleanup(path): AppKit.NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath_error_(path, None) t = Timer(1, cleanup, [path]) t.start() return img @property def bit_depth(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth": """Bit depth of the image's color representation. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.BitDepth(self.xa_scel.bitDepth()) @property def color_space(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace": """Color space of the image's color representation. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace(self.xa_scel.colorSpace()) @property def dimensions(self) -> "tuple[int, int]": """The width and height of the image, respectively, in pixels. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ if hasattr(self, "_dimensions"): return getattr(self, "_dimensions") return tuple(self.xa_scel.dimensions()) @property def embedded_profile(self) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": """The profile, if any, embedded in the image. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.embeddedProfile(), XAImageEventsProfile) @property def file_type(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.FileType": """File type of the image's file. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.FileType( OSType(self.xa_scel.fileType().get().stringValue()) ) @property def image_file(self) -> "XABase.XAFile": """The file that contains the image. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.imageFile(), XABase.XAFile) @property def location(self) -> "XABase.XADiskItem": """The folder or disk that encloses the file that contains the image. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.location(), XABase.XADiskItem) @property def name(self) -> "str": """The name of the image. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return @property def resolution(self) -> "tuple[float, float]": """The horizontal and vertical pixel density of the image, respectively, in dots per inch. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return tuple(self.xa_scel.resolution())
[docs] def embed_profile(self, profile: "XAImageEventsProfile") -> "XAImageEventsImage": """Embeds the specified ICC profile in the image. :param profile: The ICC profile to embed in the image :type profile: XAImageEventsProfile :return: The image object :rtype: XAImageEventsImage .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ # Get the target color space self.xa_scel.embedWithSource_(profile.xa_elem) icc_data = AppKit.NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL_(profile.location.url.xa_elem) color_space = AppKit.NSColorSpace.alloc().initWithICCProfileData_(icc_data) # Update the image rep img_rep = AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.imageRepWithData_( self.xa_elem.TIFFRepresentation() ) bitmap_image_rep = ( img_rep.bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace_renderingIntent_( color_space, AppKit.NSColorRenderingIntentPerceptual ) ) # Save rep into this object's data self.xa_elem = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithCGImage_( bitmap_image_rep.CGImage() ) return self
[docs] def unembed(self) -> "XAImageEventsImage": """Removes any embedded ICC profiles from the image. :return: The image object :rtype: XAImageEventsImage .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ self.xa_scel.unembed() img_rep = AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep.imageRepWithData_( self.xa_elem.TIFFRepresentation() ) bitmap_image_rep = ( img_rep.bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace_renderingIntent_( AppKit.NSColorSpace.genericRGBColorSpace(), AppKit.NSColorRenderingIntentPerceptual, ) ) self.xa_elem = AppKit.NSImage.alloc().initWithCGImage_( bitmap_image_rep.CGImage() ) return self
[docs] def metadata_tags( self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> "XAImageEventsMetadataTagList": """Returns a list of metadata tags, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.metadataTags(), XAImageEventsMetadataTagList, filter )
[docs] def profiles(self, filter: Union[dict, None] = None) -> "XAImageEventsProfileList": """Returns a list of profiles, as PyXA objects, matching the given filter. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element( self.xa_scel.profiles(), XAImageEventsProfileList, filter )
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsMetadataTagList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around lists of metadata tags that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of metadata tags can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each tag's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAImageEventsMetadataTag, filter)
[docs] def description(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("description") or [])
[docs] def name(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def value(self) -> list[Union[bool, int, float, str, "XAImageEventsProfile", any]]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("value") or [] for index, value in enumerate(ls): if isinstance(value, ScriptingBridge.SBObject): ls[index] = self._new_element(value, XAImageEventsProfile) return list(ls)
[docs] def by_description(self, description: str) -> "XAImageEventsMetadataTag": return self.by_property("description", description)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> "XAImageEventsMetadataTag": return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_value( self, value: list[Union[bool, int, float, str, "XAImageEventsProfile", any]] ) -> "XAImageEventsMetadataTag": if isinstance(value, XAImageEventsProfile): value = value.xa_elem return self.by_property("value", value)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsMetadataTag(XABase.XAObject): """A metadata tag: EXIF, IPTC, etc. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def description(self) -> "str": """The description of the tag's function. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.description() @property def name(self) -> "str": """The name of the tag. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return @property def value(self) -> Union[bool, int, float, str, "XAImageEventsProfile", any]: """The current setting of the tag. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ value = self.xa_elem.value() if isinstance(value, ScriptingBridge.SBObject): return self._new_element(value, XAImageEventsProfile) return value def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsProfileList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around lists of profiles that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of profiles can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each profile's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XAImageEventsProfile, filter)
[docs] def color_space(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("colorSpace") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def connection_space(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.ConnectionSpace"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("connectionSpace") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.ConnectionSpace(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def creation_date(self) -> list["datetime"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("creationDate") or [])
[docs] def creator(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("creator") or [])
[docs] def device_class(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.DeviceClass"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("deviceClass") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.DeviceClass(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def device_manufacturer(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("deviceManufacturer") or [])
[docs] def device_model(self) -> list["int"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("deviceModel") or [])
[docs] def location(self) -> "XABase.XAAliasList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("location") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABase.XAAliasList)
[docs] def name(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def platform(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("platform") or [])
[docs] def preferred_cmm(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("preferredCMM") or [])
[docs] def quality(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.ProfileQuality"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("quality") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.ProfileQuality(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def rendering_intent(self) -> list["XAImageEventsApplication.RenderingIntent"]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("renderingIntent") or [] return [ XAImageEventsApplication.RenderingIntent(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls ]
[docs] def size(self) -> list["int"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("size") or [])
[docs] def version(self) -> list["str"]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("version") or [])
[docs] def by_color_space( self, color_space: XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("colorSpace", color_space.value)
[docs] def by_connection_space( self, connection_space: XAImageEventsApplication.ConnectionSpace ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("connectionSpace", connection_space.value)
[docs] def by_creation_date(self, creation_date: datetime) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("creationDate", creation_date)
[docs] def by_creator(self, creator) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("creator", creator)
[docs] def by_device_class( self, device_class: XAImageEventsApplication.DeviceClass ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("deviceClass", device_class.value)
[docs] def by_device_manufacturer( self, device_manufacturer: str ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("deviceManufacturer", device_manufacturer)
[docs] def by_device_model(self, device_model: str) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("deviceModel", device_model)
[docs] def by_location(self, location: "XABase.XAAlias") -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("location", location.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_platform(self, platform: str) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("platform", platform)
[docs] def by_preferred_cmm(self, preferred_cmm: str) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("preferredCMM", preferred_cmm)
[docs] def by_quality( self, quality: XAImageEventsApplication.ProfileQuality ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("quality", quality.value)
[docs] def by_rendering_intent( self, rendering_intent: XAImageEventsApplication.RenderingIntent ) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("renderingIntent", rendering_intent.value)
[docs] def by_size(self, size: int) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("size", size)
[docs] def by_version(self, version: str) -> "XAImageEventsProfile": return self.by_property("version", version)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XAImageEventsProfile(XABase.XAObject): """A ColorSync ICC profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def color_space(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace": """The color space of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.ColorSpace(self.xa_elem.colorSpace()) @property def connection_space(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.ConnectionSpace": """The connection space of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.ConnectionSpace(self.xa_elem.connectionSpace()) @property def creation_date(self) -> "datetime": """The creation date of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.creationDate() @property def creator(self) -> "str": """The creator type of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.creator() @property def device_class(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.DeviceClass": """The device class of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.DeviceClass(self.xa_elem.deviceClass()) @property def device_manufacturer(self) -> "str": """The device manufacturer of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.deviceManufacturer() @property def device_model(self) -> "int": """The device model of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.deviceModel() @property def location(self) -> "XABase.XAAlias": """The file location of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.location(), XABase.XAAlias) @property def name(self) -> "str": """The description text of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return @property def platform(self) -> "str": """The intended platform of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.platform() @property def preferred_cmm(self) -> "str": """The preferred CMM of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.preferredCMM() @property def quality(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.ProfileQuality": """The quality of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.ProfileQuality(self.xa_elem.quality()) @property def rendering_intent(self) -> "XAImageEventsApplication.RenderingIntent": """The rendering intent of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return XAImageEventsApplication.RenderingIntent(self.xa_elem.renderingIntent()) @property def size(self) -> "int": """The size of the profile in bytes. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.size() @property def version(self) -> "str": """The version number of the profile. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self.xa_elem.version() def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"