Source code for PyXA.apps.Bike

""".. versionadded:: 0.1.0

Control Bike using JXA-like syntax.

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, Any

import AppKit

from PyXA import XABase
from PyXA import XABaseScriptable
from ..XAProtocols import (
from ..XAErrors import UnconstructableClassError
from ..XAEvents import event_from_str

[docs] class XABikeApplication(XABaseScriptable.XASBApplication, XACanOpenPath): """A class for managing and interacting with .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """
[docs] class ObjectType(Enum): """Types of objects that can be created with :func:`XABikeApplication.make`.""" WINDOW = "window" DOCUMENT = "document" ROW = "row" ATTRIBUTE = "attribute"
[docs] class FileFormat(Enum): BIKE = XABase.OSType("BKff") OPML = XABase.OSType("OPml") PLAINTEXT = XABase.OSType("PTfm")
[docs] class EditMode(Enum): TEXT = XABase.OSType("Btmd") OUTLINE = XABase.OSType("Bomd")
[docs] class RowType(Enum): BODY = XABase.OSType("Brtb") HEADING = XABase.OSType("Brth") QUOTE = XABase.OSType("Brtq") CODE = XABase.OSType("Brtc") NOTE = XABase.OSType("Brtn") UNORDERED = XABase.OSType("Brtu") ORDERED = XABase.OSType("Brto") TASK = XABase.OSType("Brtt") HORIZONTAL_RULE = XABase.OSType("Brtr")
def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) self.xa_wcls = XABikeWindow @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the application.""" return @property def frontmost(self) -> bool: """Whether Bike is the frontmost application.""" return self.xa_scel.frontmost() @property def version(self) -> str: """The version of""" return self.xa_scel.version() @property def font_size(self) -> Union[int, float]: """Bike font size preference.""" return self.xa_scel.fontSize() @font_size.setter def font_size(self, font_size: Union[int, float]): self.set_property("fontSize", font_size) @property def background_color(self) -> XABase.XAColor: """Bike background color preference.""" return XABase.XAColor(self.xa_scel.backgroundColor()) @background_color.setter def background_color(self, background_color: XABase.XAColor): self.set_property("backgroundColor", background_color._nscolor) @property def foreground_color(self) -> XABase.XAColor: """Bike foreground color preference.""" return XABase.XAColor(self.xa_scel.foregroundColor()) @foreground_color.setter def foreground_color(self, foreground_color: XABase.XAColor): self.set_property("foregroundColor", foreground_color._nscolor)
[docs] def documents(self, filter: dict = None) -> Union["XABikeDocumentList", None]: """Returns a list of documents, as PyXA-wrapped objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned documents will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of documents :rtype: XABikeDocumentList :Example: >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> print(app.documents()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Bike.XABikeDocumentList'>['Untitled', 'PyXA']> .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_scel.documents(), XABikeDocumentList, filter)
[docs] def make( self, specifier: Union[str, "XABikeApplication.ObjectType"], properties: Union[dict, None] = None, data: Any = None, ) -> XABase.XAObject: """Creates a new element of the given specifier class without adding it to any list. Use :func:`XABase.XAList.push` to push the element onto a list. :param specifier: The classname of the object to create :type specifier: Union[str, XABikeApplication.ObjectType] :param properties: The properties to give the object :type properties: dict :param data: The data to initialize the object with :type data: Any :return: A PyXA wrapped form of the object :rtype: XABase.XAObject :Example 1: Add new rows to the current document >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> front_doc_rows = app.front_window.document.rows() >>> >>> row1 = app.make("row", {"name": "This is a new row!"}) >>> row2 = app.make("row", {"name": "This is another new row!"}) >>> row3 = app.make("row", {"name": "This is a third new row!"}) >>> >>> front_doc_rows.push(row1) # Add to the end of the document >>> front_doc_rows.insert(row2, 0) # Insert at the beginning of the document >>> front_doc_rows.insert(row3, 5) # Insert at the middle of the document .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ if isinstance(specifier, XABikeApplication.ObjectType): specifier = specifier.value if data is None: camelized_properties = {} if properties is None: properties = {} for key, value in properties.items(): if key == "url": key = "URL" camelized_properties[XABase.camelize(key)] = value obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithProperties_(camelized_properties) ) else: obj = ( self.xa_scel.classForScriptingClass_(specifier) .alloc() .initWithData_(data) ) if specifier == "window": raise UnconstructableClassError("Windows cannot be created for") elif specifier == "document": return self._new_element(obj, XABikeDocument) elif specifier == "row": return self._new_element(obj, XABikeRow) elif specifier == "attribute": return self._new_element(obj, XABikeAttribute)
[docs] class XABikeWindow(XABaseScriptable.XASBWindow, XAPrintable): """A window of .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def document(self) -> "XABikeDocument": """The document whose contents are currently displayed in the window.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.document(), XABikeDocument)
[docs] def print( self, print_properties: Union[dict, None] = None, show_dialog: bool = True ) -> "XABikeDocument": return super().print(print_properties, show_dialog, new_thread=False)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeDocumentList(XABase.XAList, XACanOpenPath, XAClipboardCodable): """A wrapper around lists of Bike documents that employs fast enumeration techniques. All properties of documents can be called as methods on the wrapped list, returning a list containing each document's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XABikeDocument, filter)
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def modified(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("modified") or [])
[docs] def file(self) -> list[XABase.XAPath]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("file") or [] return [XABase.XAPath(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def url(self) -> list[XABase.XAURL]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("url") or [] return [XABase.XAURL(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def root_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("rootRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def entireContents(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("entireContents") or [] ls = [row for contents in ls for row in contents] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def focused_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("focusedRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def hoisted_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("hoistedRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def edit_mode(self) -> list[XABikeApplication.EditMode]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("editMode") or [] return [XABikeApplication.EditMode(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls]
[docs] def selected_text(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("selectedText") or [])
[docs] def selection_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("selectionRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def selection_rows(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("selectionRows") or [] ls = [row for contents in ls for row in contents] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_modified(self, modified: bool) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("modified", modified)
[docs] def by_file(self, file: Union[str, XABase.XAPath]) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: if isinstance(file, XABase.XAPath): file = file.path return self.by_property("file", file)
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_url(self, url: Union[str, XABase.XAURL]) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: if isinstance(url, XABase.XAURL): url = url.url return self.by_property("url", url)
[docs] def by_root_row(self, root_row: "XABikeRow") -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("rootRow", root_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_entire_contents( self, entire_contents: Union["XABikeRowList", list["XABikeRow"]] ) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: if isinstance(entire_contents, list): entire_contents = [x.xa_elem for x in entire_contents] return self.by_property("entireContents", entire_contents) else: return self.by_property("entireContents", entire_contents.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_focused_row(self, focused_row: "XABikeRow") -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("focusedRow", focused_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_hoisted_row(self, hoisted_row: "XABikeRow") -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("hoistedRow", hoisted_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_edit_mode( self, edit_mode: XABikeApplication.EditMode ) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property( "editMode", event_from_str(XABase.unOSType(edit_mode.value)) )
[docs] def by_selected_text(self, selected_text: str) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("selectedText", selected_text)
[docs] def by_selection_row( self, selection_row: "XABikeRow" ) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: return self.by_property("selectionRow", selection_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_selection_rows( self, selection_rows: Union["XABikeRowList", list["XABikeRow"]] ) -> Union["XABikeDocument", None]: if isinstance(selection_rows, list): selection_rows = [x.xa_elem for x in selection_rows] return self.by_property("selectionRows", selection_rows) else: return self.by_property("selectionRows", selection_rows.xa_elem)
[docs] def close(self, save: "XACloseable.SaveOption" = None): """Closes every document in the list. Leaves the last document open if it is the only document open in the application. :param save: Whether to save the documents before closing, defaults to YES :type save: XACloseable.SaveOption, optional .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ if save is None: save = 1852776480 else: save = save.value for document in self.xa_elem: document.closeSaving_savingIn_(save, None)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeDocument(XABase.XAObject, XACloseable, XAPrintable, XADeletable): """A document of .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the document.""" return @property def modified(self) -> str: """Whether the document has been modified since it was last saved.""" return self.xa_elem.modified() @property def file(self) -> XABase.XAPath: """The location of the document on disk, if it has one.""" return XABase.XAPath(self.xa_elem.file()) @property def id(self) -> str: """The unique and persistent identifier for the document.""" return @property def url(self) -> XABase.XAURL: """The Bike URL link for the document.""" return XABase.XAURL(self.xa_elem.url()) @property def root_row(self) -> "XABikeRow": """The top 'root' row of the document, not visible in the outline editor.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.rootRow(), XABikeRow) @property def entire_contents(self) -> "XABikeRowList": """All rows in the document.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.entireContents(), XABikeRowList) @property def focused_row(self) -> "XABikeRow": """The currently focused row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.focusedRow(), XABikeRow) @focused_row.setter def focused_row(self, focused_row: "XABikeRow"): self.set_property("focusedRow", focused_row.xa_elem) @property def hoisted_row(self) -> "XABikeRow": """The currently hoisted row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.hoisted_row(), XABikeRow) @hoisted_row.setter def hoisted_row(self, hoisted_row: "XABikeRow"): self.set_property("hoistedRow", hoisted_row.xa_elem) @property def edit_mode(self) -> XABikeApplication.EditMode: """The document's edit mode.""" return XABikeApplication.EditMode(self.xa_elem.editMode()) @edit_mode.setter def edit_mode(self, edit_mode: XABikeApplication.EditMode): self.set_property("editMode", edit_mode.value) @property def selected_text(self) -> str: """The currently selected text.""" return self.xa_elem.selectedText() @property def selection_row(self) -> "XABikeRow": """The row intersecting the selected text head.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.selectionRow(), XABikeRow) @property def selection_rows(self) -> "XABikeRowList": """All rows intersecting the selected text.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.selectionRows(), XABikeRowList)
[docs] def print( self, print_properties: Union[dict, None] = None, show_dialog: bool = True ) -> "XABikeDocument": return super().print(print_properties, show_dialog, new_thread=False)
[docs] def query(self, outline_path: str) -> Union["XABikeRowList", int, str, bool]: """Queries the document for the given outline path. :param outline_path: The outline path to query for :type outline_path: str :return: The queried row(s), numbers, booleans, or texts :rtype: Union['XABikeRowList', int, str, bool] .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ result = self.xa_elem.queryOutlinePath_(outline_path) if isinstance(result, float) or isinstance(result, int): return result elif isinstance(result, str): return result elif isinstance(result, bool): return result else: return self._new_element(result, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def save( self, path: Union[str, XABase.XAPath, None] = None, format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat = XABikeApplication.FileFormat.BIKE, ): """Saves the document to the specified location, or at its existing location. :param path: The location to save the document in, defaults to None :type path: Union[str, XABase.XAPath, None], optional :param format: The format to save the document as, defaults to XABikeApplication.FileFormat.BIKE :type format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat, optional :Example: >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> doc = app.documents()[0] >>>"/Users/exampleUser/Documents/Notes.opml", app.FileFormat.OPML) .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ if path is None: path = self.xa_elem.file() elif isinstance(path, str): path = XABase.XAPath(path).xa_elem self.xa_elem.saveIn_as_(path, format.value)
[docs] def import_rows( self, text: Union[str, XABase.XAText], format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat = XABikeApplication.FileFormat.PLAINTEXT, parent: Union["XABikeRow", None] = None, ) -> "XABikeRowList": """Imports rows into the document. :param text: The text to import :type text: Union[str, XABase.XAText] :param format: The texts format, defaults to XABikeApplication.FileFormat.PLAINTEXT :type format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat, optional :param parent: The location to insert the new row(s), or None to import at the end of the document, defaults to None :type parent: Union['XABikeRow', None], optional :return: The imported row(s) :rtype: XABikeRowList .. versionadded:: 0.2.1 """ if isinstance(text, XABase.XAText): text = text.xa_elem if parent is None: parent = self new_rows = self.xa_elem.importFrom_as_to_( text, format.value, parent.xa_elem.rows()[-1].positionAfter() ) return self._new_element(new_rows, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def export( self, rows: Union[list["XABikeRow"], "XABikeRowList", None] = None, format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat = XABikeApplication.FileFormat.PLAINTEXT, all: bool = True, ) -> str: """Exports rows from the document. :param rows: The rows to export, or None to export the entire document, defaults to None :type rows: Union[list['XABikeRow'], 'XABikeRowList', None], optional :param format: The file fort to export rows as, defaults to XABikeApplication.FileFormat.PLAINTEXT :type format: XABikeApplication.FileFormat, optional :param all: Export all contained rows (true) or only the given rows (false), defaults to True :type all: bool, optional :return: The formatted text of the exported rows :rtype: str .. versionadded:: 0.2.1 """ if isinstance(rows, XABikeRowList): rows = rows.xa_elem elif isinstance(rows, list): rows = [x.xa_elem for x in rows] return self.xa_elem.exportFrom_as_all_(rows, format.value, all)
[docs] def rows(self, filter: dict = None) -> Union["XABikeRowList", None]: """Returns a list of rows, as PyXA-wrapped objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned rows will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of rows :rtype: XABikeRowList :Example: >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> doc = app.front_window.document >>> print(doc.rows()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Bike.XABikeRowList'>['Row 1', 'Row 2', 'Row 2.1']> .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.rows(), XABikeRowList, filter)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeRowList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around a list of rows. All properties of row objects can be accessed via methods on the list, returning a list of each row's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XABikeRow, filter)
[docs] def id(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("id") or [])
[docs] def type(self) -> list[XABikeApplication.RowType]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("type") or [] return [XABikeApplication.RowType(XABase.OSType(x.stringValue())) for x in ls]
[docs] def url(self) -> list[XABase.XAURL]: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("url") or [] return [XABase.XAURL(x) for x in ls]
[docs] def level(self) -> list[int]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("level") or [])
[docs] def contains_rows(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("containsRows") or [])
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def container(self) -> list[Union[XABikeDocument, "XABikeRow"]]: return [x.container for x in self]
[docs] def container_document(self) -> XABikeDocument: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("containerDocument") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeDocumentList)
[docs] def container_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("containerRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def prev_sibling_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("prevSiblingRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def next_sibling_row(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("nextSiblingRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def entire_contents(self) -> "XABikeRowList": ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("entireContents") or [] ls = [item for contents in ls for item in contents] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def visible(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("visible") or [])
[docs] def selected(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("selected") or [])
[docs] def expanded(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("expanded") or [])
[docs] def collapsed(self) -> list[bool]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("collapsed") or [])
[docs] def by_id(self, id: str) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("id", id)
[docs] def by_type(self, type: XABikeApplication.RowType) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("type", event_from_str(XABase.unOSType(type.value)))
[docs] def by_url(self, url: Union[str, XABase.XAURL]) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: if isinstance(url, XABase.XAURL): url = url.url return self.by_property("url", url)
[docs] def by_level(self, level: int) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("level", level)
[docs] def by_contains_rows(self, contains_rows: bool) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("containsRows", contains_rows)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_container( self, container: Union[XABikeDocument, "XABikeRow"] ) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("container", container.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_container_row(self, container_row: "XABikeRow") -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("containerRow", container_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_prev_sibling_row( self, prev_sibling_row: "XABikeRow" ) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("prevSiblingRow", prev_sibling_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_next_sibling_row( self, next_sibling_row: "XABikeRow" ) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("nextSiblingRow", next_sibling_row.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_container_document( self, container_document: XABikeDocument ) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("containerDocument", container_document.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_entire_contents( self, entire_contents: Union["XABikeRowList", list["XABikeRow"]] ) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: if isinstance(entire_contents, list): entire_contents = [x.xa_elem for x in entire_contents] return self.by_property("entireContents", entire_contents) else: return self.by_property("entireContents", entire_contents.xa_elem)
[docs] def by_visible(self, visible: bool) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("visible", visible)
[docs] def by_selected(self, selected: bool) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("selected", selected)
[docs] def by_expanded(self, expanded: bool) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("expanded", expanded)
[docs] def by_collapsed(self, collapsed: bool) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: return self.by_property("collapsed", collapsed)
[docs] def rows(self) -> "XABikeRowList": """Returns a list of all rows contained by the rows in the list. :return: The list of rows :rtype: XABikeRowList .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("rows") or [] ls = [row for row in ls] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def attributes(self) -> "XABikeAttributeList": """Returns a list of all attributes contained by the rows in the list. :return: The list of attributes :rtype: XABikeAttributeList .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("attributes") or [] ls = [attribute for attribute in ls] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeAttributeList)
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Deletes all rows in the list. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ self.xa_elem.makeObjectsPerformSelector_("delete")
[docs] def collapse(self, all: bool = False): """Collapses all rows in the list, optionally collapsing all of the children as well. :param all: Whether to collapse all child rows, defaults to False :type all: bool, optional .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ for row in self.xa_elem: row.collapse_all_([row], all)
[docs] def expand(self, all: bool = False): """Expands all rows in the list, optionally expanding all of the children as well. :param all: Whether to expand all child rows, defaults to False :type all: bool, optional .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ for row in self.xa_elem: row.expand_all_(row, all)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeRow(XABase.XAObject, XADeletable): """A row in an outline. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def id(self) -> str: """The unique and persistent identifier for the row.""" return @property def type(self) -> XABikeApplication.RowType: """The type of the row.""" return XABikeApplication.RowType(self.xa_elem.type()) @type.setter def type(self, type: XABikeApplication.RowType): self.set_property("type", type.value) @property def url(self) -> XABase.XAURL: """The Bike URL for the row combining the document ID with the item ID.""" return XABase.XAURL(self.xa_elem.url()) @property def level(self) -> int: """The indentation level for the row in the outline.""" return self.xa_elem.level() @property def text_content(self) -> type: content = self.xa_elem.textContent() if type(content) == str: return content return content.get() @text_content.setter def text_content(self, text_content: Union[str, XABase.XAText]): if isinstance(text_content, XABase.XAText): text_content = text_content.xa_elem self.set_property("textContent", text_content) @property def contains_rows(self) -> bool: """True if the row contains other rows.""" return self.xa_elem.containsRows() @property def name(self) -> str: """The plain text content of the row.""" return @name.setter def name(self, name: str): self.set_property("name", name) @property def container(self) -> Union["XABikeRow", XABikeDocument]: """The container of the row.""" container = self.xa_elem.container() if hasattr(container, "level"): return self._new_element(container, XABikeRow) else: return self._new_element(container, XABikeDocument) @property def container_row(self) -> Union["XABikeRow", None]: """The row that directly contains this row.""" row = self.xa_elem.containerRow() if row is not None: return self._new_element(row, XABikeRow) @property def prev_sibling_row(self) -> "XABikeRow": """The previous row with the same container row as this row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.prevSiblingRow(), XABikeRow) @property def next_sibling_row(self) -> type: """The next row with the same container as this row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.nextSiblingRow(), XABikeRow) @property def container_document(self) -> XABikeDocument: """The document that contains this row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.containerDocument(), XABikeDocument) @property def entire_contents(self) -> XABikeRowList: """The list of all rows contained by this row.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.entire_contents(), XABikeRowList) @property def visible(self) -> bool: """True if this row is visible in the window (may require scrolling).""" return self.xa_elem.visible() @property def selected(self) -> bool: """True if this row is selected in the window.""" return self.xa_elem.selected() @property def expanded(self) -> bool: """True if this row is expanded in the window.""" return self.xa_elem.expanded() @property def collapsed(self) -> bool: """True if this row is collapsed in the window.""" return self.xa_elem.collapsed()
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Deletes the row. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ self.xa_elem.delete()
[docs] def collapse(self, all: bool = False): """Collapses the row and optionally all rows it contains. :param recursive: Whether to also collapse all rows contained by this row, defaults to False :type recursive: bool, optional .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ self.xa_elem.collapseAll_(all)
[docs] def expand(self, all: bool = False): """Expanded the row and optionally all rows it contains. :param recursive: Whether to also expand all rows contained by this row, defaults to False :type recursive: bool, optional .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ self.xa_elem.expandAll_(all)
[docs] def move_to(self, location: "XABikeRow"): """Makes the row a child of the specified row. :param location: The row to move this row to. :type location: XABikeRow :Example: >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> doc = app.documents()[0] >>> row1 = doc.rows()[0] >>> row2 = doc.rows()[5] >>> row1.move_to(row2) .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ self.xa_elem.moveTo_(location.xa_elem)
[docs] def duplicate( self, location: Union[XABikeDocument, "XABikeRow", None] = None, properties: Union[dict, None] = None, ): """Duplicates the row either in-place or at a specified location. :param location: The document or row to create a duplicate of this row in, defaults to None (duplicate in-place) :type location: Union[XABikeDocument, XABikeRow, None], optional :param properties: Properties to set in the new copy right away, defaults to None (no properties changed) :type properties: Union[dict, None], options """ if properties is None: properties = {} if location is None: self.xa_elem.duplicateTo_withProperties_( self.xa_elem.positionAfter(), properties ) else: self.xa_elem.duplicateTo_withProperties_( location.xa_elem.rows().lastObject().positionAfter(), properties )
[docs] def rows(self, filter: dict = None) -> Union["XABikeRowList", None]: """Returns a list of rows, as PyXA-wrapped objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned rows will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of rows :rtype: XABikeRowList :Example: >>> import PyXA >>> app = PyXA.Application("Bike") >>> doc = app.front_window.document >>> row = doc.rows()[4] >>> print(row.rows()) <<class 'PyXA.apps.Bike.XABikeRowList'>['Watch intro movie', 'Glance through features list', '']> .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.rows(), XABikeRowList, filter)
[docs] def attributes(self, filter: dict = None) -> Union["XABikeAttributeList", None]: """Returns a list of attributes, as PyXA-wrapped objects, matching the given filter. :param filter: A dictionary specifying property-value pairs that all returned attributes will have, or None :type filter: Union[dict, None] :return: The list of attributes :rtype: XABikeAttributeList .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.attributes(), XABikeAttributeList, filter)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeAttributeList(XABase.XAList): """A wrapper around a list of attributes. All properties of attribute objects can be accessed via methods on the list, returning a list of each attribute's value for the property. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties: dict, filter: Union[dict, None] = None): super().__init__(properties, XABikeAttribute, filter)
[docs] def name(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("name") or [])
[docs] def value(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("value") or [])
[docs] def container_row(self) -> XABikeRowList: ls = self.xa_elem.arrayByApplyingSelector_("containerRow") or [] return self._new_element(ls, XABikeRowList)
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> Union["XABikeAttribute", None]: return self.by_property("name", name)
[docs] def by_value(self, value: str) -> Union["XABikeAttribute", None]: return self.by_property("value", value)
[docs] def by_container_row( self, container_row: XABikeRow ) -> Union["XABikeAttribute", None]: return self.by_property("containerRow", container_row.xa_elem)
def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"
[docs] class XABikeAttribute(XABase.XAObject): """An attribute in a row. .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ def __init__(self, properties): super().__init__(properties) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the attribute.""" return @property def value(self) -> str: """The value of the attribute.""" return self.xa_elem.value() @value.setter def value(self, value: str): self.set_property("value", value) @property def container_row(self) -> XABikeRow: """The row that contains this attribute.""" return self._new_element(self.xa_elem.containerRow(), XABikeRow) def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(type(self)) + str( + ">"